Miss & Mister de l'Ouest 72


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Saison 2024/2025 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 5 mois par Adelraiser
 Cours Intermédiaire 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
28/01/2025 West and wild Open ArmsStargazing to 3Miss ThangIrish bowing
21/01/2025 Open Arms Straight lineThe wishA story toldAnother road
19/01/2025 BAL INTERNE

14/01/2025 Irish bowing (révision approfondie)

Can't Pass The BarAustinThe wishIn walked youAnother roadRodéo queenDerrylin Fire

07/01/2025 Another road

Ride OnCreek will riseStraight lineStargazing to 3Miss Thang

17/12/2024 Our kind of love. (choré Maurice bientôt prête) A long way home. (choré Alain) Frosty the beer can. (danse en contra)

Elvis tonightMighty fineLet your Horses runDerrylin FireCan't Pass The BarStraight lineThe oneBack to the start. (Dernier cours de fin d'année sur le thème Noel)


The wishStraight lineStargazing to 3Derrylin Fire

03/12/2024 Derrylin Fire (présentée par Maurice)

Can't Pass The Bar (direct), Austin (direct)

Ride OnDrinking all weekendStraight lineMiss ThangStargazing to 3

26/11/2024 Stargazing to 3 (pot commun 37 2024/2025)

In walked youHeavensvilleLittle BandaidsThe wishAustinCan't Pass The BarStraight line

19/11/2024 Straight line (pot commun 37 2024/2025)

Miss Thang (direct), The wishNew friendsAustinCan't Pass The Bar

12/11/2024 Can't Pass The Bar (pot commun 72 2024/2025)

Ride On (direct), A story told (direct)

Creek will riseThe oneAustinMiss Thang


Ride OnA story toldLittle BandaidsGone enoughMiss Thang



The wish

Ride OnMiss Thang

01/10/2024 Miss Thang

In walked youRide OnJust let goCreek will rise (pot commun 72 2024/2025)The one

24/09/2024 The one

Won't forgetRide OnIn walked youDrinking all weekend

17/09/2024 Ride On (pot commun 72 2024/2025)

Strait to the barHere we goCome my way

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Saison 2023/2024 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 5 mois par Adelraiser
 Cours Intermédiaire 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
26/06/2024 Mama's Pearl's (danse en initiation)

Danse plus repas de fin d'année.


Cours commun.

18/06/2024 Pas de nouvelle choré

Knock offAmazing FaithTo get a girlYear of the youngTick TockCome my wayWonderA story told


Won't forget

World spins

In walked youJust let goNew friendsRodéo queenCast the BronzeA story told

04/06/2024 Amazing Faith

Creek will riseToo many drunkAround the fireA story toldYear of the young


Just let goLegendLittle BandaidsA story toldRodéo queenIrish bowing

21/05/2024 A story told

To get a girlOne night standLegendIn walked you


Shake your bootsMayday MaydayLittle BandaidsLegend

23/04/2024 révisions pour le bal
16/04/2024 Legend Right girl wrong timeI Can't PretendCity of musicLeave her JohnnyDrinking all weekend
09/04/2024 Cours révisions Rodéo queenBoots are shakingJust let goHeavensvilleRoad To ErrogieCome my wayIrish bowingDrinking all weekend
02/04/2024 Just let go 1...2...3... WhiskeyTo get a girlGet UpGoing going goneYear of the young
26/03/2024 Year of the young Creek will riseHeavensvilleIn walked youIrish bowing
19/03/2024 In walked you Cast the BronzeIrish bowingHeavensvilleRodéo queen
12/03/2024 Heavensville To get a girlNew friendsOne night stand1...2...3... WhiskeyDrinking all weekendDaytona Sand
20/02/2024 Irish bowingHonky Tonk FloorDrinking all weekendAround the fireRécréation LandSomething you love
13/02/2024 Irish bowing Strait to the barToo many drunkOne night standRodéo queenCreek will rise
06/02/2024 Creek will rise WonderSweat and dustTo get a girlCome my wayBoots are shakingCast the Bronze
30/01/2024 Cast the Bronze Same song,  Mama & meRodéo queenAround the fireFirst Meeting.
23/01/2024 Rodéo queen Cowboys worldI Can't PretendAround the fire
16/01/2024 Drinking all weekend Right girl wrong time1...2...3... WhiskeyUpI Can't PretendCowboys worldAround the fire
09/01/2024 Around the fire Tick TockTo get a girlNew friendsOne night standToo many drunk

Mama & meI Can't PretendCowboys worldNew friendsOne night standRécréation LandTo get a girlRight girl wrong time

New friends

To get a girl

Too many drunkRight girl wrong timeTick TockOne night stand


One night stand

Honky Tonk FloorTouristKnock offI Can't PretendCowboys world


I Can't Pretend

Chasin'tail lightsSame songGet UpCowboys world1...2...3... Whiskey


Cowboys world

1...2...3... WhiskeyMoney's all goneCountry thunderHardy


1...2...3... Whiskey

Come my wayYou're some girlToo many drunkRécréation LandRight girl wrong time


Right girl wrong time

Come my wayRoad To ErrogieToo many drunkTil you can'tSweat and dustTick TockSmall Town SummerTrain

Pour les nouveaux inters, voir road to errogie, Tick Tock et till you can't

10/10/2023 Boots are shakingRécréation LandUpToo many drunk

Récréation Land

Dancing in the CountryUpToo many drunkCome my wayHonky Tonk Floor

Too many drunk

NickajackKnock offYou're some girlTouristCome my way, exercice préparatoire

Exercice : lien

You're some girl

Dancing in the CountryTick TockRoad To ErrogieCome my wayWonder
12/09/2023 Come my way Same song,Dancing in the Country,Mama & me,Get Up
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Saison 2022/2023 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 1 an par Adelraiser
 Cours Intermédiaire 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions

Always humbleDancing in the CountryWonderSame songUpGet UpTick TockMartha DivineHonky Tonk FloorRoad To Errogie

Dancing in the Country

Good taste in womenGet UpTil you can'tRoad To ErrogieNickajackMama & me

Heads or TailsAlways humbleCoffee Days and Whiskey Nights

The differenceSweat and dustSame songMartha DivineTil you can'tRoad To Errogie

Without meDim the lights5 o'clock danceHonky Tonk FloorUpNo hard feelingsRoad To ErrogieNickajack


2 stepping awayWonderKnock offGet UpHere we go

Road To Errogie (inter)

Mama & meTouristDallas cowgirlTick TockSame song5 o'clock dance

Back to the start (débutant)

5 o'clock dance (inter)

2 stepping away (novice)

02/05/2023 Révisions pour notre bal annuel

Knock offGet UpWonderSame songUpHonky Tonk FloorCity of musicDim the lights

Wonder de Laura Jones & Pol F Ryan

Sweat and dustDim the lightsSomething you loveGoodbye JuneTil you can't

Dim the lights de Simon Ward & Maddison Glover

Without meHappy is as happy doesUpTick Tock,   Daytona,  SandMartha DivineTrainBoots are shakingIrish Whiskey

Irish Whiskey de Arnaud Marraffa & Gaelle Renard

Mama & meUpSame songGet UpHappy is as happy doesHonky Tonk FloorNo hard feelings

Same song de Ivonne Verhagen, JP Barrois, Arnaud Marraffa, Giseppe Scaccianoce et Gudrun schneider

Make this dayHappy is as happy doesTick TockKnock offUpGet Up

Up de Bruno Morel

Country thunderGet UpBoots are shakingNo hard feelingsTHELMA & LOUISEWithout meHonky Tonk Floor

Get Up (pot commun Pays de la Loire 2022-2023)

TouristTick TockKnock offMake this day,  Mama & meNo hard feelings

Tick Tock de Gabi Ibanez & Paqui Monroy

Here we goKnock offGoodbye JuneDaytona SandMake this dayCome in

Knock off (pot commun Pays de la Loire 2022-2023)

Boots are shakingTouristSweat and dustMartha DivineHonky Tonk FloorWithout me

Honky Tonk Floor de Rob Fowler & Agnès Gauthier

Small Town Summer11 beersTrain,Dallas cowgirlWithout meMama & meDaytona Sand

No hard feelings de Lisa M.Johns-Grose & Gwen Walker

Without me de Marie-Claude Gil

Mama & meTil you can'tBoots are shakingMake this day11 beers

Make this day (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

11 beers (pot commun Indre et Loire 2022-2023)

TouristMama & meBoots are shakingGypsy Rosa LiMartha Divine

Mama & me de Gary O'Reilly

Dallas cowgirlTouristSweat and dustDaytona SandCrazy what a song can doTHELMA & LOUISEBoots are shakingStrait to the bar

Cours Commun.

Révision diverses danses. Intoxicating, Devil, Heave away, Boots are shaking, Done, Here we go, Last day of september, Children of Summer, Martha DivineWellerman AB, No hard feelings, Station 4, Goodbye June, whiskey and rain, Dallas cowgirl, The road, Same Boat, Daytona Sand, Jingle Bell Rock, Where are we Going, Cowboy madison

Dallas cowgirl de Marie Claude Gil

whiskey and rain (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

Boots are shakingTouristMartha DivineGoodbye June
29/11/2022 Boots are shaking de Rob Fowler ordinary dayInto the darknightSomething you loveTouristSweat and dust
22/11/2022 Tourist (pot commun Indre et Loire 2022-2023) Another night like thisSweet IrelandSweat and dustRaised like thatDaytona SandHere we go
15/11/2022 Sweat and dust (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023) Bridges runGoodbye JuneDaytona SandGypsy Rosa Li
08/11/2022 Gypsy Rosa Li (pot commun vintage Sarthe 2022-2023) Here we goThose were the nightsThe differenceMartha DivineDaytona SandTil you can't

Here we goDaytona SandGoodbye JuneMartha DivineBridges runRaised like thatTrainTHELMA & LOUISE

Daytona Sand  (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

Bridges runMartha DivineA country highCome inWintergreenCountry thunderGoodbye June

Bridges run de Valérie Del Campo

Crazy what a song can doMartha DivineBound ta git downGoodbye JuneSmall Town SummerHere we go

Martha Divine de Tina Argyle

Here we goSweet IrelandGoodbye JunePick her up

Goodbye June de Tomiati Walter

Off the beaten trackAnother night like thisMoney's all goneTil you can'tHere we go

Last day of september de Evelyne & Richard Muller

Here we go (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

Sweet IrelandRaised like thatCome inTrainInto the darknight
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Saison 2021/2022 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 3 ans par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
29/06/2022 Repas de fin d'année. Quelques danses..........
28/06/2022 Cours commun. Diverses danses vues dans l'année.
21/06/2022 Shadows de Julien Jahannault ( enseignée par Elodie ) Raised like thatWhatchawannaThe differenceSweet IrelandCity of music
14/06/2022 Pick her upFloor itMoney on youOn the BlacktopHardyCity of musicSweet IrelandTHELMA & LOUISE
07/06/2022 Sweet Ireland  de Gary O'Reilly Come inJohn HenryEyes on you,THELMA & LOUISEInto the darknight
31/05/2022 THELMA & LOUISE Going going goneCowboys don't cryCountry thunderInto the darknightAnother night like thisCrazy what a song can doMoney's all gone
24/05/2022 Into the darknight DownA country highStrait to the bar , Damn,  Dear friendBack to the barChasin'tail lightsI got this tooTrainDear friendCity of musicThe difference
17/05/2022 Révision Playlist du bal
10/05/2022 Another night like this d'Arnaud Marraffa Strait to the barSafe havenBethlehem childMoney's all goneOpen heart cowboy
03/05/2022 Money's all gone de Kate Sala, Jo Kinser & John Kinser Til you can'tThose were the nightsGone enoughPick her upMoney on youSmall Town Summer
26/04/2022 Til you can't de Gary O'Reilly Bound ta git downRaised like thatThose were the nightsCity of music,TrainWintergreenCrazy what a song can do
05/04/2022 Whatchawanna d'Antonio Manigas Gone enoughJohn HenryHardyNothing but youCome inSomething you loveStrait to the bar
29/03/2022 Money on you de Stefano Civa The differencePick her upCountry thunderCity of musicRaised like that
22/03/2022 City of music de Séverine Fillion & David Villellas ( PC Pays de la Loire 2021-2022) Small Town Summerordinary dayCrazy what a song can doRaised like that
15/03/2022 Raised like that de Darren Bailey On the BlacktopThe differenceCrazy what a song can doStrait to the barBound ta git downEyes on youCome inPick her up
08/03/2022 Pick her up de Darren Bailey Off the beaten trackGone enoughOpen heart cowboyGoing going goneTrainCrazy what a song can do
01/03/2022 Crazy what a song can do de Alison & Peter Metelnick Nothing but youSmall Town SummerThe bullOpen heart cowboyThose were the nightsHardyGood taste in women
22/02/2022 Open heart cowboy de Sandrine Tassinari & Magali Lebrun (PC Sarthe 2020-2022) On the BlacktopCountry thunderSafe havenThose were the nightsThe differenceordinary day
01/02/2022 On the BlacktopSomething you loveThe differenceJohn HenryCountry thunderGone enoughHardyGoing going gone
25/01/2022 The difference de Arnaud Marraffa & Agnès Gauthier ( PC Pays de la Loire 2021-2022) Bad fiddlingThe gamblerSingle manStrait to the barHardy
18/01/2022 ordinary dayTrainGood taste in womenOn the BlacktopHardySafe havenGone enoughBound ta git downLove ain't
11/01/2022 Hardy de Darren Bailley (PC Indre et Loire 2020-2022) John HenrySmall Town SummerGoing going goneEyes on youCountry thunderSomething you love
04/01/2022 On the Blacktop de Caroline Fortier ( PC Sarthe 2020-2022) The bullWintergreenWanna getchaDownNothing but youGone enoughordinary dayBound ta git down

ordinary dayCountry thunderGone enoughEyes on youThe gamblerSomething you loveTrainJohn HenryBound ta git downCome inGoing going goneGood taste in women

Gone enough de Gudrun Schneider

Strait to the barCountry thunderSomething you loveTrainBound ta git downGoing going goneChasin'tail lightsCome in

Going going gone de Madisson Glover

DownWintergreenFloor itCome inWanna getchaSingle manCowboys don't cryStory

Come in de Rob Fowler, Nina Skurud & I.C.E.

Eyes on youCountry thunderJohn HenrySmall Town SummerTrainBound ta git downordinary dayThe gambler

Bound ta git down de Rob Fowler

A country highGood taste in womenSomething you loveTrainSafe havenDear friend

John Henry d'Arnaud Merraffa & Nolween Bertin ( PC Indre et Loire 2020-2022)

WintergreenSafe havenThe bullBad fiddlingI got this tooTrainSmall Town SummerBethlehem childSomething you love

Train d' Agnès Gauthier.

Eyes on you,The gambler,Small Town Summer, On veut des Legendes,Something you love. (+ danse du soir.)

Something you love de Maggie Gallager 

The little farmer de Mona Leth (PC Pays de la Loire 2021-2022)

ordinary dayWintergreenLonely DrumTelepathyGood taste in womenFineSmall Town Summer
05/10/2021 The gambler de Guy Dubé ( PC Sarthe vintage 2020-2022) Nothing but youordinary dayTelepathyAll the king's horsesSmall Town SummerThe bullEyes on youCountry thunder
28/09/2021 Small Town Summer de Karl-Harry Winson Roots, The Island,Eyes on you,ordinary day,Country thunder, (+danse du soir) Things.
21/09/2021 Eyes on youde J.Belloque Vane & D. Trepat( PC Indre et Loire 2020-2022) Bad fiddlingordinary dayWintergreenGood taste in womenCountry thunderOld friend in AmericaA country highDear friend
14/09/2021 Country thunder de Séverine Fillion ( PC Sarthe 2020-2022) Wintergreenordinary dayGood taste in womenFineLonely DrumBack to the bar
07/09/2021 ordinary day de Gaelle Renard Good taste in womenWintergreenStrait to the barWanna getcha, Seven two, The bull 
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Saison 2020/2021 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 4 ans par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
29/06/2021 Good taste in women de Chrystel Durand & Stéphane Cormier A country highCowboys don't cryBad fiddlingWintergreenFloor itStoryDamn
15/06/2021 Wintergreen de Maggie Gallagher (pot commun 37 ) Chasin'tail lightsWanna getchaDownStrait to the barNothing but youThe bull
20/10/2020 Wanna getcha de Séverine Fillion, get get get to livin' de Step 5678 The bullChasin'tail lights, Back to the barHappy is as happy doesOld friend in AmericaFloor itDamnDear friend
13/10/2020 The bull de Heather Barton & Hayley Wheatley Single manFineBad fiddlingHappy is as happy does, Woman amenWanna getcha
06/10/2020 Happy is as happy does de Janet Cummings A country highDownStoryStrait to the barCowboys don't cryNothing but you
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