Miss & Mister de l'Ouest 72


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Saison 2024/2025 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 5 mois par Adelraiser
 Cours Débutant 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo, 

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
25/02/2025 Cowboys and Plowboys

Small town girlLittle dreams come trueCinderella (Partner)The one (V.D)Mighty fineCri criWashed Up In Austin (AB)

Double Devil

Débutants +: MildmayThe oneRoad to Errogie (débutant)Cowboy don't

28/01/2025 Washed Up In Austin (AB)

Dance for MarthaJust let go EasyHurricane kissThat honky tonk highway

Double DevilCinderella (Partner)

Débutants +: MildmayCast the Bronze


Just let go Easy

I like thisEasy danseHold the lineDance for MarthaCri crikiss meMighty fine

Débutants +: MildmayIrish Whiskey (à revoir)




Dance for Martha

Cinderella (Partner)


Mighty fineHurricane kissSmall town girlLittle dreams come trueCri cri

Débutants +: nouvelle danse


partie technique: révisions vaudevilles, side rock cross et scissor step

rumba box et appuis (side touch, side together)

Cri cri

The one (V.D)A long way home.Elvis tonightFish in the seaHurricane kissNangilima EZ

Débutants +: Cowboy don't

17/12/2024 Our kind of love.(choré Maurice bientôt prête) A long way home. (choré Alain) Frosty the beer can. (danse en contra)

Elvis tonightMighty fineLet your Horses runDerrylin FireCan't Pass The BarStraight lineThe oneBack to the start. (Dernier cours de fin d'année sur le thème Noel)


Mighty fineHeave awayElvis tonightHurricane kissSmall town girlThe one (V.D)Fish in the sea

Débutants + : The oneCowboy don'tWon't forget


Révision vaudevilles et partie difficile de road to Errogie (à travailler)

The one (V.D)

Always humbleI like thisHurricane kissLove ain'tWe're good to go

Débutants + : The oneCowboy don't


Révision pas de valse

Hurricane kiss

IntoxicatingA love songA bar song3 TequilasElvis tonight

Cb buddy (danse en contra) Merci Maurice!


That honky tonk highwaySmall town girlJerusalemaStealing the bestElvis tonightMighty fine

Débutants + : The oneCowboy don'tRoad to Errogie (débutant)


Elvis tonight

Mighty fine

Born to be greatA love songLittle dreams come true

Débutants + : The oneCowboy don't


Nouvelle choré débutant + 

présentée par Maurice   Cowboy don't

Little dreams come trueNangilima EZSmall town girl

Débutants + : The oneWon't forget

08/10/2024 Nangilima EZ

Little dreams come trueSmall town girlThe roadWe're good to goship faced

Débutants confirmés: Off the beaten trackThe one


partie technique: vaudeville

The one

Take me homeA bar songI like thisAlways humbleBig truckRoad to Errogie (débutant)Back to the startLove ain't


partie technique: jazzbox, triple step, coaster step

Little dreams come trueSmall town girl3 TequilasWe're good to go

Débutants confirmés: Won't forgetAdios cowboy

technique : vaudeville


partie technique: marche, step 1/2 tour,

step 1/4, mambo step, rock step, rocking chair

Little dreams come true

Small town girl

That honky tonk highwayA bar songA love song

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Image d'entête

Saison 2023/2024 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 1 an par Adelraiser
 Cours Débutant 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo, 

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
26/06/2024 Mama's Pearl's (danse en initiation)

Danse plus repas de fin d'année.


Cours commun.

18/06/2024 Pas de nouvelle choré

Black coffeeAlways humbleWon't forgetWe're good to goA bar song, valse sur 2 musiques A love song

Country nightCast the Bronze


Won't forget

3 TequilasAfter roadHold the lineStealing the bestWellerman ABA bar songBig truck


A bar song

We're good to goWay Out the WestCowboy madisonA love songThat honky tonk highway

Country nightRoad to Errogie (débutant)


I like thisIntoxicatingAfter roadFish in the seaShake your bootsA love song3 Tequilas

Cb buddy (danse en contra)

Always humble


3 Tequilas

A love song

ship facedDo this lifeWe're good to goOutta my mind

Shake your bootsMayday MaydayDouble Devil


révision rolling vine,

pas de valse

That honky tonk highwayShake your bootsTwist and shakeWay Out the WestCb buddy (danse en contra)

Mayday Mayday

23/04/2024 révisions pour le bal

16/04/2024 Flip it

Hooked on countryI like thisFish in the seaship faced,  Double DevilLeave her Johnny

Off the beaten trackDallas cowgirlCast the Bronze


Exercice: pas sur road to errogie,

Easy danseOutta my mindWe're good to goBlack coffeeNashv'illac country

Cast the BronzeCountry nightRoad to Errogie (débutant)


Hooked on country

Exercice: pas sur road to errogie, points sur cabo san Lucas

Road house rockDo this lifeCoffee Days and Whiskey NightsThe roadGood time

Double DevilCabo san Lucas


Cabo san Lucas

Exercice: rolling vine (sur good time) et pas sur road to errogie

That honky tonk highwayThe morning afterEasy danseBack to the startGood timeDouble Devil

Adios cowboyAlways humbleRoad to Errogie (débutant)



Good time

Way Out the WestFish in the seaLeave her JohnnyDouble Devil

Black coffeeOff the beaten trackRoad to Errogie (débutant)

12/03/2024 Double Devil

I like thisOutta my mindTwist and shakeDo this lifeship facedWe're good to go,

Off the beaten trackAdios cowboy, exercice cast the bronze


That honky tonk highwayThe morning afterFish in the seaDo this lifeLeave her JohnnyEasy danseWild Hearts ABThe road

Country nightRoad to Errogie (débutant)Adios cowboy

13/02/2024 Do this life

I like thisOutta my mindWay Out the Westship facedWe're good to go

Country nightBlack coffee

06/02/2024 Country night

Fish in the seaHeave awayTwist and shakeship facedLeave her JohnnyThe morning after

Ready to rollBlack coffee

30/01/2024 ship faced

Way Out the WestTwist and shakeOutta my mindLeave her Johnny

Wild Hearts ABReady for itReady to rollNo hard feelings


That honky tonk highwayStealing the bestThese old bootsRoad house rockLeave her Johnny

Niveau +: Road To ErrogieReady for it


technique: sailor step

Leave her Johnny

The morning afterTwist and shakeFish in the seaWay Out the WestI like this

Niveau + : Adios cowboyRoad To ErrogieBlack coffee


Technique: Step lock, step lock step

Twist and shake

Black coffee

That honky tonk highwayAlways humbleAfter road

nouvelle danse

Niveau + : We're good to goThe morning afterOutta my mindAdios cowboy 



Kick ball step,

Step lock step,

montery turn

Stealing the bestEasy danseFish in the seaWe're good to goWay Out the West

Niveau + : Big truckAn absolute dreamHold the lineAnother CountryAdios cowboy


Musique directe sur : Way Out the WestThat honky tonk highway

Danses progressives: Fish in the seaOutta my mindI like itHeave awayJerusalemaCowboy madison

Niveau + : Adios cowboyRoad To Errogie


Fish in the sea

Adios cowboy (novice)

Musique directe sur : That honky tonk highwayMama MariaWe're good to go

Danses progressives: Stealing the bestWay Out the WestLove ain'tI like this

Niveau + : Adios cowboy


Musique directe sur : That honky tonk highway

Reprise de la danse: I like this

Danses progressives: Heave awayStealing the bestBack to the startOutta my mindWe're good to go

Niveau + : Ready to rollRoad to Errogie (débutant)


Outta my mind

I like this (ultra débutant)

Savoir démarrer directement That honky tonk highway

Réviser l'exercice talons pour ne plus réfléchir sur la dernière choré apprise:  We're good to go

Danses progressives: Too Drunk To DriveBig truckWay Out the WestReady to roll


We're good to go (rob Fowler)

Stealing the best (pour les nouveaux)

Pour les jeunes débutants: That honky tonk highway (savoir la danser directement en musique)

exercice qui va nous servir pour la choré du jour:

lien exercice 

Way Out the WestLove ain'tStealing the bestBack to the startNo hard feelingskiss me

17/10/2023 Bonnes vacances! 

Pour les jeunes débutants: Way Out the WestBig truckTake me homeJerusalema

Révisions progressives: That honky tonk highwayToo Drunk To DriveWellerman ABReady to rollStealing the best


Ready to roll de jean Michel Vincent

Pour les jeunes débutants: Way Out the WestLove ain'tThat honky tonk highway

Révisions progressives: 

Cowboy madisonIntoxicatingThe morning afterAlways humbleOff the beaten track


 That honky tonk highway

Bienvenue à Jade et sa mamie

Pour les jeunes débutants:

Way Out the WestToo Drunk To Drive + nouvelle danse, Back to the start

Révisions progressives

Coffee Days and Whiskey NightsBorn to be greatBy and byThese old bootsHold the line


Bienvenue à François et Françoise, Béatrice, Antonietta, Julia et Juliette.

Pas de panique tout va se mettre en place! 

technique: rock step, mambo, rocking chair, jazz-box, step 1/2 tour, toe strut heel strut

Nouvelle choré (trop rapide pour débutants: désolé mais on va y arriver!) The morning after

Révisions progressives:

Love ain'tToo Drunk To DriveWay Out the WestRoad house rockkiss meBack to the start


Bienvenue aux nouveaux danseurs venus essayer.

technique: rocking chair, jazz-box, step 1/4 tour, weave, vine

lien exercice 

Choré à travailler: Bills' basicLove ain'tWild Hearts AB

Révisions pour les confirmés: After roadBack to the startHeave awayTake me homeGo Country


Bienvenue aux nouveaux danseurs

Choré du jour: Way Out the West

Back to the start, kiss me, The road, Big truck, Wild Hearts AB, Always humble
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Saison 2022/2023 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 1 an par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions

Coffee Days and Whiskey NightsAlways humblekiss meBack to the startHappy doesAfter roadWild Hearts ABThe roadHeave awayCowboy madison

13/06/2023 Always humble

ultra débutants: Road to Errogie (débutan, t)This and ThatBack to the start

cours: Hold the lineGo CountryJerusalemaEasy danse

06/06/2023 Coffee Days and Whiskey Nights

ultra débutants: Too Drunk To DriveRoad To Errogie

cours: get get get to livin'Wild Hearts ABThis and That,  Come to dance

30/05/2023 Road to Errogie (débutant)

ultra débutants: apprentissage nouvelle danse du jour

cours: Big truckNo hard feelingsRoad house rockTake me homeHappy does


ultra débutants: explication rock step 1/2 chassé, This and Thatkiss meHeave away

cours: Back to the startWild Hearts ABBy and byIrish Whiskeywhiskey and rainDallas cowgirl


kiss me

Ultra débutants: Too Drunk To DriveIntoxicating

cours : The roadBack to the startWellerman AB


Back to the start

2 stepping away

Pour les ultra débutants: Wild Hearts AB After road

Half a cha,  Go CountryHappy does


Révisions bal annuel

Pour les ultra débutants: Wild Hearts ABToo Drunk To DriveAfter roadThe road

Et bien sur Cowboy madison (sans tourner)


Happy does de Hana Ries

Too Drunk To DriveLast day of septemberCowboy madison

When you smileOff the beaten trackDoneThis and ThatBig truck


Wild Hearts ABThese old bootsAfter road

The little farmerHooked on countryIrish WhiskeyNo hard feelingsThe roadWellerman AB

28/03/2023 After road de Chrytel Arréou & Sylvie Tortuyaux-Villemaux

Wild Hearts ABToo Drunk To Drive

Irish WhiskeyHeave awayThis and ThatDallas cowgirlLove ain'twhiskey and rain


Wild Hearts AB,  It's easyTake me home

Too Drunk To DriveIrish WhiskeyThe roadHold the lineAnother CountryDark Side


Too Drunk To Drive  (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

It's easyWild Hearts ABDallas cowgirlIrish Whiskeyget get get to livin'


Irish Whiskey de Arnaud Marraffa & Gaelle Renard

 It's easyLindi shuffleTake me home

Heave awayWhen you smileWild Hearts AB

07/02/2023 Wild Hearts AB de Steve Cavaneugh

It's easyDallas cowgirlBig truckThe roadDark SideJerusalema

31/01/2023 Ready for it de Evan VanScoyk

Home to louisianaRoad house rockBig Truck, little seven two

24/01/2023 Big truck de Valérie Del Campo

Dark SideThis and ThatDallas cowgirlThese old bootsDoneIntoxicating


The little farmerThis and ThatDustNo hard feelingsEasy danseHold the linewhiskey and rainWellerman ABHeave away

10/01/2023 This and That ( pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

Last day of septemberBorn to be greatTake me homeThe roadDonewhiskey and rainDallas cowgirl

03/01/2023 Dallas cowgirl de Marie Claude Gil

Heave awayIntoxicatingThe roadGo CountryLove ain'tOff the beaten trackWellerman AB

13/12/2022 Cours Commun.

Révision diverses danses. Intoxicating, Devil, Heave away, Boots are shaking, Done, Here we go, Last day of september, Children of Summer, Martha DivineWellerman AB, No hard feelings, Station 4, Goodbye June, whiskey and rain, Dallas cowgirl, The road, Same Boat, Daytona Sand, Jingle Bell Rock, Where are we Going, Cowboy madison

06/12/2022 whiskey and rain (pot commun Sarthe 2022-2023)

Half a chaThe road

Hold the lineHalf a chaNo hard feelings

29/11/2022 The road ( pot commun  Sarthe 2022-2023)

Come to dance

Easy danseLove ain'tRoad house rockCome to danceCowboy madisonLast day of september


Dark SideIt's easyHeave away

Wellerman ABDustIntoxicatingNo hard feelingsBulfrog on a logDoneHeave away


No hard feelings de Lisa M.Johns-Grose & Gwen Walker

Dark Side

Heave awayBorn to be greatDead or in jailThese old boots


Heave away de Rob Fowler

Take me homeWellerman AB

Love ain'tOff the beaten trackWhen you smileBy and byWellerman ABMoneyGo Country


Wellerman AB de Julie Snailham

Take me homeIt's easyIntoxicatingDoneBorn to be greatLast day of septemberDustMoney

Take me homeOff the beaten trackIntoxicatingDoneLove ain'tThe little farmerWhen you smileMama MariaLast day of september

Done de Darren Bailey

It's easyIntoxicatingGo CountryEasy danseStealing the bestRock around the clockBy and by

Lindi shuffle de Jane Smee

Intoxicating (PC Sarthe 2022-2023)

It's easyLast day of septemberThe little farmerTake me homeHold the lineThese old bootsDust

It's easy

Born to be great

(Pour les nouveaux: bienvenue!)

get get get to livin'Last day of septemberRoad house rockJerusalemaAn absolute dreamAnother Country

It's easy

Last day of september de Evelyne & Richard Muller

Love ain'tThe little farmerWhen you smileTake me homeMama MariaDead or in jailget get get to livin'
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Saison 2021/2022 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 3 ans par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
21/06/2022 I'm on my way de Maggie Gallagher ( enseignée par Elodie) Love ain'tWhen you smileGetting goodDead or in jailTime to be aliveOff the beaten trackTake me home
14/06/2022 Getting good de Séverine Fillion & Chrystel Durand Born to be greatHold the lineAnother CountryTime to be aliveDustMoneyBulfrog on a logDesirable
07/06/2022 Go CountryTake me homeDustTime to be aliveCorn ABThese old bootsRoad house rockStealing the bestSnap
31/05/2022 Time to be alive de Séverine Fillion & Arnaud Marraffa Cowboy madisonPull it offDead or in jailWhen you smileThe little farmerget get get to livin'
24/05/2022 Corn ABLittle open heart cowboyLove ain'tBy and byOff the beaten trackDustMoneyRoad house rock

Révision Playlist du bal

Corn AB de Runa

Little open heart cowboy

Home to louisianaI Oughta knowEasy danseDustMoney
03/05/2022 Born to be greatget get get to livin'Off the beaten trackNothing but youDustWanna getchaThe little farmerHalf a chaDead or in jail
26/04/2022 Dust de Victor Manuel Rodriguez Alvarez Hooked on countryTake me homeGo CountryLove ain'tMoney,  When you smile
05/04/2022 Pull it off de Stefano Civa Dead or in jailThe little farmerget get get to livin'Off the beaten trackGo CountryJerusalemaCowboy madison
29/03/2022 Money de Stefano Civa Born to be greatNothing but youBy and byHooked on countryNashv'illac countryHold the line
22/03/2022 Born to be great de Conrad Farnham Love ain'tWanna getchaNothing but youOff the beaten trackHome to louisianaI Oughta know
15/03/2022 Take me homeI Oughta knowDead or in jailWhen you smileOff the beaten trackGo CountrySnapWhy don't you
08/03/2022 I Oughta know de Laura Kampschroeder Love ain'tDead or in jailRock around the clockAnother CountryOff the beaten trackMama MariaHeard you in a song
01/03/2022 Take me homeBy and byget get get to livin'When you smileOff the beaten trackEasy danseHome to louisianaJerusalemaHooked on countryStealing the best
22/02/2022 Off the beaten track de Gary O'Reilly Love ain'tThe little farmerWanna getchaDead or in jailGo Country
01/02/2022 Hooked on countrySnapWhen you smileHome to louisianaDead or in jailNothing but youGo CountryHold the line
25/01/2022 Dead or in jail de Antonella Fedi (PC Pays de la Loire 2021-2022) Why don't youLove ain'tAnother CountryGhost townCountry as can beNashv'illac countryMama Maria

Hooked on countryLove ain'tBulfrog on a logTake me homeHome to louisianaget get get to livin'By and byStealing the best

Love ain't de Darren Bailey

Hooked on countryRock around the clockHome to louisianaThe little farmerGo CountryEasy Twist

Hooked on country (danse d'ouverture de bal)              Bulfrog on a log de Cef Decaney

These old bootsHalf a chaHold the lineRoad house rockTake me homeWhen you smile
14/12/2021 La danse du Père Noël Take me homeWhen you smileThe little farmerGo CountryEasy danseHome to louisianaRock around the clockJerusalema
07/12/2021 Easy Twist de Séverine Fillion The little farmerRock around the clockHome to louisianaTake me homeBy and byStealing the bestWhen you smileJerusalema
30/11/2021 Rock around the clock de Tony Chapman Home to louisianaAnother Country,Why don't youThese old bootsRoad house rockWanna getchaGhost town
23/11/2021 Take me homeHome to louisianaEasy danse, Mama MariaThe little farmerJerusalemaGo CountryWhen you smileHalf a cha
16/11/2021 Home to louisiana Country as can beNashv'illac countryCowboy madisonEasy danseHold the lineHeard you in a song
09/11/2021 Easy danse de Séverine Fillion & Guillaume Roussel By and byWhen you smileThe little farmerget get get to livin'Go CountryStealing the best
19/10/2021 An absolute dream, Take me home, Go Country, When you smile, The little farmer, Desirable, Hold the line, These old boots .
12/10/2021 The little farmer de Mona Leth ( PC Pays de la Loire 2021-2022) Take me homeWhen you smileThese old bootsAnother CountryDesirableNothing but you
05/10/2021 Take me homeRoad house rockWhen you smileGo CountryWhy don't youThese old bootsHalf a chaBy and by
28/09/2021 Go Country de Lisa M. Johns-Grose (PC Sarthe 2020-2022) Take me home, When you smile, Wanna getcha, Hold the line, These old boots .(+ danse du soir).
21/09/2021 Half a chaBy and byWhen you smileTake me homeAnother CountryJerusalemaGhost town
14/09/2021 When you smile de J.M. Belloque Vane & R. Verdonk ( PC Sarthe 2020-2022 ) An absolute dreamTake me homeSnap, DesirableThese old boots
07/09/2021 Take me home de Karen Tripp (PC Sarthe 2020-2022) little seven two, cowboy madison, Stealing the bestget get get to livin'Road house rock, Mama Maria, Jerusalema
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Saison 2020/2021 - cours animé par Alain

il y a 4 ans par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
29/06/2021 Jerusalema de Adlison Maiza SnapAn absolute dreamNothing but you, little seven two, Hold the lineStealing the best,Nashv'illac country
15/06/2021 Cowboy madisonget get get to livin'These old bootsHalf a cha, Country as can be, Mama Maria, By and byRoad house rockHeard you in a song
20/10/2020 SnapHold the lineWanna getchaNothing but youSome beach, Cowboy madisonWhy don't youget get get to livin'
13/10/2020 Wanna getcha de Séverine Fillion Ghost townThese old bootsStealing the bestHeard you in a songget get get to livin', little seven two
06/10/2020 get get get to livin' de Step5678 Mama Maria, Road house rockBy and byNashv'illac countryHalf a cha
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