Miss & Mister de l'Ouest 72


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Saison 2024/2025 - cours animé par Maurice

il y a 10 jours par Adelraiser
 Cours Novice 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
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Saison 2023/2024 - cours animé par Maurice

il y a 1 mois par Adelraiser
 Cours Novice 

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
26/06/2024 Mama's Pearl's (danse en initiation) Repas de fin d'année et Danses.
25/06/2024 Cours commun. Diverses danses des trois niveaux.
19/06/2024 Shake your boots, Heavensville, Irish Whiskey, Year of the young, Corn, First Meeting, Telepathy, Honky Tonk Way, The little farmer.
12/06/2024 Shake your boots We're good to go, Country night, Year of the young, Cast the Bronze, Mayday Mayday, Caught in the Act, (+ danse du soir) Waste it for 2.
05/06/2024 Country night, Year of the young, Love don't walk easy, Caught in the Act, Mayday Mayday, Sweet Ireland, Tourist, Cb buddy (danse en contra)
29/05/2024 Mayday Mayday Country night, New friends, Year of the young, Sweet et texas, Damn Love, (+ danse du soir) Cb buddy (danse en contra).
22/05/2024 Year of the young Always humble, New friends, Heavensville, Country night, (+ danse du soir) Cb buddy (danse en contra)
15/05/2024 Country night Sweet et texas, Cowboy don't, New friends, Heavensville, Love don't walk easy, (+ danse du soir) Cb buddy (danse en contra).
24/04/2024 Révision pour notre bal. Heavensville, Double Devil, Damn Love, Adios cowboy, Nickajack, First Meeting, Cadillac Ranch, Cast the Bronze, New friends, Mama & me, Magic Moment, Dodge, To get a girl.
17/04/2024 New friends Sweet et texas, Heavensville, Cowboy don't, Cast the Bronze, First Meeting. Damn Love. (+ danse du soir)
10/04/2024 Heavensville Adios cowboy, Sweet et texas, Scootin' Bootin', Cowboy don't, To get a girl, (+ danse du soir) Leave her Johnny. (danse en contra)
03/04/2024 Cours Révisions Love don't walk easy, Cowboy don't, Sweet et texas, Off the beaten track, Children of Summer, Raised like that, Eyes on you, John Henry, Waste it for 2 (partner)
27/03/2024 Sweet et texas Irish Whiskey, Cowboy don't, Love don't walk easy, Sweet caroline, Askin' questions. (+ danse du soir)
20/03/2024 Cowboy don't Love don't walk easy, Adios cowboy, Cast the Bronze, To get a girl, First Meeting. (danse du soir) Leave her Johnny.
13/03/2024 Love don't walk easy Corn, Damn Love, To get a girl, Adios cowboy, First Meeting. (+ danse du soir ) Endless.
21/02/2024 Adios cowboy Way Out the West, To get a girl, First Meeting. Cast the Bronze, Damn Love, (+ danse du soir) Last day of september.
14/02/2024 To get a girl Scootin' Bootin', First Meeting., Honky Tonk Way, Damn Love, Cast the Bronze,( + danse du soir ) Double Devil.
07/02/2024 Hold the line, Damn Love, Cast the Bronze, First Meeting. Honky Tonk Floor, Raised like that, Nickajack, Finalement.
31/01/2024 Damn Love. Mama & me, Magic Moment, First Meeting, Cast the Bronze, Scootin' Bootin' (+ danse du soir ) Waste it for 2 (partner)
24/01/2024 First Meeting. Scootin' Bootin', Cast the Bronze, Magic Moment, (+ danse du soir) Leave her Johnny (danse en contra).
17/01/2024 Cast the Bronze Double Devil, Scootin' Bootin', Magic Moment (danse du soir) Waste it for 2 (partner.
10/01/2024 Magic Moment (pot commun Sarthe 2023/2024) We're good to go, Double Devil, Dodge, Scootin' Bootin', Waste it for 2, (danse partner) +(danse du soir) Hold the line.
20/12/2023 (Derniers cours de l'année avec révision).Double Devil, Waste it for 2,      ( Partner) Scootin' Bootin', Mr Funky, Cadillac Ranch, Dodge, Devil, Children of Summer, Way Out the West.
12/12/2023 Waste it for 2 (pot commun Sarthe 2023/2024 Partner) Cours commun avec diverses danses.
08/12/2023 Liste de danses proposées pour le téléthon Take me home (Débutant), Heave away (Débutant)Big truck (Débutant)Always humbleNickajackHonky Tonk FloorWay Out the West (Débutant), Road To ErrogieRoad to Errogie (débutant)Back to the start (Débutant), Tick Tockwhiskey and rain (partner), We're good to go (Débutant), Heads or TailsCadillac RanchCity of musicJerusalema (Débutant), Fish in the sea (Débutant), Cowboy madison (Débutant)
06/12/2023 Double Devil Cabo san Lucas (pot commun vintage)We're good to go, Cadillac Ranch, Scootin' Bootin', Heads or Tails, Nickajack (+ danse du soir)
29/11/2023 Scootin' Bootin'  + Cabo san Lucas (Pot commun Sarthe vintage 2023/2024). We're good to go, Cadillac Ranch, Mr Funky, Dodge (+ danses du soir) Way Out the West.
22/11/2023 We're good to go Cadillac Ranch, Mr Funky, When you smile, Dodge, Caught in the Act, (+danse du soir) whiskey and rain (partner)
15/11/2023 Cadillac Ranch (nouveau pot commun Sarthe 2023/2024) Last day of september, Dark Side, Children of Summer, Dodge, Mr Funky, (+ danse du soir) Way Out the West.
08/11/2023 Mr Funky Way Out the West, Irish Whiskey, Honky Tonk Floor, The little farmer, Dodge, (+ danse du soir) The road.
18/10/2023 Way Out the West Dodge, Sweet Ireland, Raised like that, Heads or Tails (+ danse du soir)
18/10/2023 Révision obligatoire pour les inscrits à 19 heures des danses pour la fête de la pomme à savoir: Always humble, Back to the start, This and That, Heave away, Honky Tonk Floor, Nickajack, Honky Tonk Way, whiskey and rain (danse partner) Big truck, Go Country, Intoxicating, Dead or in jail.
11/10/2023 Dodge (nouveau pot commun Sarthe 2023/2024) Dead or in jail, Eyes on you, Honky Tonk Floor, Heads or Tails, Same Boat, A country high (+ danse du soir) The road.
04/10/2023 Always humble, Honky Tonk Floor, 11 beers, Honky Tonk Way, Heads or Tails, Last day of september, Wannabes, Here we go,Sweet Delight (danse partner)
27/09/2023 Honky Tonk Floor This and That, Always humble, Dust, Mama & me, Heads or Tails, (+ danse du soir ) Take me home.
20/09/2023 Heads or Tails Heave away, Dallas cowgirl, Always humble, Sweet Ireland, Devil, whiskey and rain, (danse du soir) Too Drunk To Drive.
13/09/2023 Always humble Back to the start, whiskey and rain, Nickajack, Tourist, Corn, Raised like that,  ( + danse du soir) Big truck.
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Saison 2022/2023 - cours animé par Maurice

il y a 1 an par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions.
28/06/2023 Repas de fin de saison danse. Fin des cours avec quelques danses.
27/06/2023 Cours commun.      Début à 19 heures. diverses danses tout niveau vu cette saison.
21/06/2023 Mama & me, Honky Tonk Way, Irish Whiskey, A country high, Nickajack, Sweet Ireland, Caught in the Act, The road, The South.
14/06/2023 Whole again, Honky Tonk Way, Irish Whiskey, Nickajack, Devil, The South, Bring down the house, Too Drunk To Drive.
07/06/2023 Honky Tonk Way Corn, whiskey and rain, Raised like that, Irish Whiskey, Nickajack,    (+ danse du soir) Back to the start.
31/05/2023 Irish Whiskey Back to the start, whiskey and rain, Raised like that, Nickajack, Bring down the house, (+ danse du soir)Dallas cowgirl.
24/05/2023 Nickajack Dallas cowgirlMama & meTouristOff the beaten track
17/05/2023 whiskey and rain (Pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) Nashv'illac country, Raised like that, Old and grey, Sweet Ireland, Here we go, (danse du soir) Heave away
10/05/2023 Raised like that Last day of september, Double s, Tourist, Sweet Ireland, 11 beers,  (danse du soir 3 fois en tout) Endless.
03/05/2023 Wannabes, Children of Summer, Same Boat, Station 4, Locash, Sweet Ireland, Mama & me, Last day of september, Off the beaten track.
12/04/2023 Last day of september 11 beers, Sweet Ireland (2 fois ), Taverns Time, Done, Here we go, Oh Me Oh My Oh, ( + danse du soir) Big truck.
05/04/2023 Taverns Time (Pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023 Vintage) Dallas cowgirl, Tourist, Sweet Ireland, Eyes on you, Closer, Devil,     +( danse du soir ) The road.
29/03/2023 Sweet Ireland The road, Closer, Tourist, Endless, (+ danse du soir faite 3 fois) Intoxicating.
22/03/2023 Closer, Tourist, Doctor doctor, The road, Children of Summer, Dust, Forge Ahead, Too Drunk To Drive.
15/03/2023 Closer (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023 Vintage) Clear isabel, Mama & me, Tourist, 11 beers, The little farmer, ( danse du soir ) The road.
08/03/2023 Tourist. Too Drunk To Drive, Dallas cowgirl, The road, Mama & me, Here we go, Wannabes, ( + danse du soir )
01/03/2023 The road (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023)  + Too Drunk To Drive (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) Mama & me, Big truck, Another night like this, 11 beers, Wintergreen . (+ les 2 danses du soir)
08/02/2023 11 beers Off the beaten track, Dallas cowgirl, Mama & me, Locash, Eyes on you,      ( + danse du soir ) Caught in the Act .
01/02/2023 Mama & me Dead or in jail, Corn, ordinary day, Dallas cowgirl, Telepathy, (+ danses du soir 3 fois au total )Love ain't.
25/01/2023 Big Truck, Dallas cowgirl, Wannabes, Here we go, Children of Summer, Station 4, Devil, Same Boat.
18/01/2023 Dallas cowgirl. When you smile, Wannabes, Big Truck, Here we go, Children of Summer,   ( + danse du soir ) These old boots.( Version normale + version modifié )
11/01/2023 Wannabes (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) Big Truck, Devil, Where are we Going, Children of Summer, This and That, Here we go, (+danse du soir) Intoxicating.
04/01/2023 Big Truck (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) An absolute dream, Children of Summer, Here we go, Same Boat, Gone enough, Done, (+ danse du soir) Easy danse.
13/12/2022 Cours commun. Révision diverses danses. Intoxicating, Devil, Heave away, Boots are shaking, Done, Here we go, Last day of september, Children of Summer, Martha DivineWellerman AB, No hard feelings, Station 4, Goodbye June, whiskey and rain, Dallas cowgirl, The road, Same Boat, Daytona Sand, Jingle Bell Rock, Where are we Going, Cowboy madison
07/12/2022 Here we go (Pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) Intoxicating, Children of Summer, Where are we Going, Devil, Things, ( danse du soir 2 fois) Dark Side.
30/11/2022 Where are we Going, Children of Summer, Station 4, The South, Devil, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Double s, This and That.
23/11/2022 Children of Summer (Pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) Hold the line, Devil, Where are we Going, Station 4, ( + Danse du soir ) Where i belong.
16/11/2022 Where are we Going. Devil, These old boots, Locash, Endless, Station 4, (+ danse du soir) These old boots, (modifié)
09/11/2022 Devil. Eyes for you, Intoxicating, Station 4, Same Boat, Caught in the Act, ( + Danse du soir.)
19/10/2022 Station 4 (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023) Dust, Intoxicating, Caught in the Act, Corn, Telepathy, Same Boat, (+ danse du soir) This and That.
12/10/2022 Révision pour Démo (Fête de la pomme) Take me home, Off the beaten track, Eyes on you, Come in, Wintergreen, When you smile, Intoxicating, ordinary day, A country high, Love ain't, The little farmer.
05/10/2022 Intoxicating (pot commun Sarthe 2022/2023 ) Go Country, Caught in the Act, Done, A country high, Same Boat, The South, (+ danse du soir) Dark Side.
28/09/2022 Caught in the Act ( Style West Coast Swing ) This and That, John Henry, Same Boat, A country high, ordinary day, (+ Danse du soir) When you smile.
21/09/2022 Same Boat (Pot commun Sarthe Novice 2022/2023 ) Dark Side, This and That, Dead or in jail, A country high, Off the beaten track, Backroad Nation. (+ danse du soir ) Born to be great.
14/09/2022 This and That (Pot commun Sarthe vintage 2022/2023) The little farmer, Friday, A country high, Easy danse, Another night like this, Wintergreen, ( + danse du soir).
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Saison 2021/2022 - cours animé par Maurice

il y a 3 ans par Adelraiser

cliquez sur le nom de la danse pour accéder à la fiche et la vidéo

Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
29/06/2022 Repas de fin d'année. Quelques danses..........
28/06/2022 Cours commun. Diverses danses vues dans l'année.
22/06/2022 A country high Off the beaten track, Easy danse, Another night like this, Dead or in jail, Wintergreen, (danse du soir) The little farmer.
15/06/2022 Easy danse Love ain't, Another night like this, On the waves, Wintergreen, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Lay low, Telepathy, (danse du soir) An absolute dream.
08/06/2022 When you smile, Corn, Another night like this, Done, Wintergreen, Down, ordinary day, Can't go wrong.
01/06/2022 Another night like this Eyes for you, By and by, Wintergreen, Fine, seven two, (+danse du soir) Temple bar.
25/05/2022 Wintergreen Go Country, Off the beaten track, Amity, Friday, Two hell and back., (+ danse du soir ) Love ain't.
18/05/2022 Suite 3 révision pour notre bal. Dead or in jail, Backroad Nation, Endless, Forge Ahead, ordinary day, Corn, Locash, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Love ain't, Home to louisiana.
11/05/2022 Suite 2 révision pour notre bal. The little farmer, Double s, Gone enough, Eyes on you, Come in, John Henry, get get get to livin', Done, The South, Born to be great.
04/05/2022 Début de révision pour notre Bal. Hooked on country, Off the beaten track, Backroad Nation, Two hell and back., Dust, Wanna getcha, These old boots, Nothing but you, When you smile, Telepathy, Take me home.
27/04/2022 Two hell and back.(vintage pot commun Sarthe) + Off the beaten track. Done, Come in, Born to be great, John Henry, Friday, +(les danses du soir) Half a cha.
06/04/2022 Done Home to louisiana, Gone enough, John Henry, Friday, Come in, Oh Me Oh My Oh, The South.(danse du soir).
30/03/2022 John Henry Eyes for you, Amity, Friday, Come in, The South, Gone enough, (+ danse du soir)
23/03/2022 Come in Nashv'illac country, Eyes on you, The South, Old and grey, Sweet caroline, Gone enough, (+danse du soir) My everything.
16/03/2022 Gone enough Hold the line, The South, Temple bar, Gypsy queen, Dead or in jail,Clear isabel,  (+danse du soir) Finalement.
09/03/2022 Where i belong (pot commun Sarthe vintage) The South, All about a woman, Dead or in jail, Double s, Can't go wrong, Nancy Mulligan, Snap. (+ the south ).
02/03/2022 The South Dust, Endless, Dead or in jail, ordinary day, (+ danse du soir) Crash and burn.
23/02/2022 Dead or in jail + Home to louisiana (pot commun Sarthe vintage) Take me home, Corn, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Eyes for you, Amity, Forge Ahead, +danse du soir, These old boots, (modifié)
02/02/2022 The little farmer, Eyes for you, Amity, Dust, Eyes on you, Endless, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Telepathy, Backroad Nation, When you smile.
26/01/2022 Eyes for you (swing) Dust, Amity, get get get to livin', Eyes on you, Bring down the house, Lay low, (danse du soir), Bullfrog on a log .
19/01/2022 Amity The long way home, Dust, Eyes on you, Corn, Sangria, 'danse du soir) An absolute dream.
12/01/2022 Eyes on you Born to be great, Bosa nova, Endless, ordinary day, Dust, By and by, (+danse du soir) All about a woman .
05/01/2022 Dust The little farmer, Go Country, Forge Ahead, Seven, Nothing but you, get get get to livin', (+ danse du soir).
15/12/2021 Jingle Bell Rock When you smile, Telepathy, get get get to livin', Backroad Nation, Corn, ordinary day, Endless, Double s, Oh Me Oh My Oh, These old boots (modifié)
08/12/2021 get get get to livin' Corn, ordinary day, These old boots (modifié avec exercice pour oreilles musicale) Endless, Home By Bearna, Joana, (danse du soir) Things .
01/12/2021 Endless The little farmer, Corn, ordinary day, Go Country, Soldier, ( danse du soir ) Happy Happy Happy .
24/11/2021 ordinary day Born to be great, Corn, The little farmer, Doctor doctor, Oh Me Oh My Oh, ( danse du soir ) The long way home .
17/11/2021 Corn Nashv'illac country, The little farmer, Oh Me Oh My Oh, LocashDamn, Double s, Hollibobs .(+ danse du soir)
10/11/2021 The little farmer Go Country, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Forge Ahead, Telepathy, Backroad Nation, Wanna getcha, When you smile (+ danse du soir)
20/10/2021 Go Country (pot commun Sarthe) When you smile, Forge Ahead, Oh Me Oh My Oh, Locash, Backroad Nation, Codigo, Tell the world, Whole again .
13/10/2021 Oh Me Oh My Oh Desirable, Fine, These old boots, Forge Ahead, Lonely Drum, Telepathy, (danse du soir) Another Country .
06/10/2021 Forge Ahead (pot commun Sarthe) All about a woman, Telepathy, Temple bar, Backroad Nation, Double s, Down, (+ danse du soir) Half a cha .
29/09/2021 My everything, Double s, By and by, Telepathy, Backroad Nation, When you smile, Wanna getcha, Lay low, Ghost town .
22/09/2021 Backroad Nation (pot commun Sarthe) Road house rock, Telepathy, Born to be great, When you smile, Double s, seven two, Things
15/09/2021 Telepathy (danse vintage pot commun Sarthe) Another Country, These old boots, Lonely Drum, When you smile, Double s, Desirable, Fine .
08/09/2021 When you smile  (pot commun sarthe)
Take me home, These old boots, Double s, Wanna getcha, Locash, Nothing but you, Clear isabel .
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