Miss & Mister de l'Ouest 72


Saison 2019/2020 - cours animé par Maurice

Image d'entête
il y a 4 ans par Adelraiser

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Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions
11/03/2020 Born to be great, Girl in a cowboy hat, Summer fly, seven two, These old boots, Damn (48 comptes) , Mountains to the sea, Soldier, Things
04/03/2020 Born to be great, These old boots Go cat go, Girl in a cowboy hat, Old and grey, seven two, Nothing but you, Bring on the good times, Whole again
12/02/2020 Road house rock, Girl in a cowboy hat, California blue, seven two, Doctor doctor, On the waves, Old and grey, Desirable, My everything
05/02/2020 Girl in a cowboy hat Special delivery, seven two, Codigo, Nothing but you, Fine, Down, By and by, Old and grey
29/01/2020 Road house rock, Old and grey, Break it back down, Nothing but you, Drinking with dolly, Gypsy queen, Seven two, Alice, The harvester
22/01/2020 Old and grey All about a womanCan't go wrongNothing but youGo shantyHold the line, seven two, Ghost town, Sweet caroline
15/01/2020 Seven two (danse festival) Joke, Nothing but you, Snap, Temple bar, Day of the dead, Clear isabel, Story, An absolute dream
18/12/2019 Nothing but you de Darren Bayley (PC Sarthe 2019/2020) Codigo,  Fine, Crash and burn,  By and by, Hello heart, Another country, Tell the world, Finalement
11/12/2019 Rain, FineDown, Things,  By and byHeard you in a song, The bank of the roses,  Ghost town, Codigo,  Half a cha
04/12/2019 Fine Désirable, Lonely drum, I be you be, Seven, Hollibobs, Spécial Delivery, Nashv'illac country