Miss & Mister de l'Ouest 72


Saison 2019/2020 - cours animé par Alain

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il y a 5 ans par Adelraiser

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Date Nouvelles chorés Révisions

Safe haven de Séverine Fillion & Bruno Morel    (PC Indre et Loire 2019-2020)

Bad fiddlingStrait to the barFloor itBethlehem childNothing but you


Floor it de Rob Fowler

Cowboys don't cryOld friend in AmericaThose were the nights, Seven two, Single man3 2 1 for two


Old friend in America de Dan Albro

3 2 1 for two de Guylaine Boudages & Stéphane Cormier 

Nothing but youI be U beBethlehem childSingle man, The road never taken


Single man (PC Sarthe 2019-2020)

Strait to the barCowboys don't cryThose were the nights, Seven two, Bad fiddlingBethlehem childWoman amen


Bethlehem child de Roy Verdonk, Sebastiaan Hotland & José Miguel Belloque Vane

I got this tooSee y a CeciliaCowboys don't cry, Seven two


Cowboys don't cry de Séverine Fillion, Chrystel Durand & TexasVal (PC Sarthe et Indre et Loire 2019-2020)

Nothing but you, All the king's horses, Seven two, DownThose were the nights


Those were the nights de Rob Fowler, Kate Sala, Daniel Trepat, Giuseppe Scaccianoce & Ivonne Verhagen (PC Sarthe 2019-2020)

Seven two

StoryA country highDear friendBad fiddling

17/12/2019 DownStrait to the barBad fiddlingStoryFineNothing but you
10/12/2019 Bad fiddling de Chrystel Durand & Séverine Fillion ( PC Indre et Loire 2019-2020 ) Strait to the barFineChasin'tail lights

Strait to the bar de Dan Albro (PC Pays de la loire 2019/2020)

Fine de Christel Durand (PC Sarthe 2019-2020)

Dear friendNothing but you